Saturday, February 11, 2006


Part II - Master Jojo’s friends

It was an exceptionally chilly morning. The only other sound to be heard apart from the chirping of the birds, was that of the waves splashing on the base of the tall, rock-sturdy monument. Master Jojo, sitting on a small stone seat was staring straight into the sea, at the slowly rising sun…… taking slight pleasure in anticipation of the warmth that it would provide. He looked at his watch - 5:56 – then looked behind, to see a figure walking towards him. It was ‘Adi’ the Badi.

Adi : Arre wot is thees. The others still haven’t reached?

Master Jojo : Ha! Sonovagun ….baaskets!…..I knew noone would turn up at 5:45. Should have called them at 4:45….then they would have reached by now.

The meeting point was The Gateway of India, and the plan was a Bike Road Trip to Goa. Master Jojo & Xaqo had cooked up this plan the previous night as it was a long time since all of them friends had been for a trip together. Andre, Sharon, Neena, James, Charmaine, & Adi had liked the idea and agreed to join in. So it was decided that the entire gang would meet the next day, 5:45 A.M., at the Gateway, and head from there for Goa. Minimum 16 hours of Biking on an open road!

Master Jojo & Adi had to wait ten more minutes till the others started showing up. Andre came on his Pulsar dtsi 150 cc with a huge rucksack on his back, soon to be followed by James on his shining red sports bike. All heads out there at that time turned when he arrived. This was no surprise to James, coz he knew that his bike was a monstor - A SUZUKI HAYABUSA GSX 1300RZ. Next to arrive were Sharon & Neena who were dropped by Sharon's chauffer in her Mercedez S class. And finally, almost an hour after the scheduled meeting time, came Charmaine & Xaqo, on Xaqo's 350 cc Royal Enfield.

After all the initial hullabaloo was done with, the group decided to start off the expedition. In all there were 4 bikes and 8 people. Master Jojo was on his Bullet-Machismo(Lucy), with Sharon sitting behind him. Xaqo & Adi were together on his bike. Neena sat behind Andre, and James took Charmaine on his Hayabusa. The group set off at sharp 7:05 A.M. towards, what was gonna be, one of their most eventful & Adventurous trips!

To be continued...


August 2005   February 2006   September 2006  

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